This page lists a number of photos taken during the 2015 ISTAR conference.
You can click on a photo to view it in full size.

Tipi at Founder’s Square at Laurentian University

Darren McGregor, Sagamok Anishnabek

Shane Flamand, Hoop Dancer

Shane Flamand, Hoop Dancer

Round Dance with participants

June 19 Dr. Ronny Gunnarsson

Julia Wabie, Algonquin First Nation youth presenter

Dr. Andrea Walsh, keynote speaker

Debra Mishibinijima, Wikwemikong First Nation

Dr. Taima Moeke-Pickering

Dr. Sheila Cote-Meek

Dr. Darrel Manitowabi

Mary Pheasant

June 19 Tour and Feast, N’Swakamok Native Friendship Centre

Tour and Feast

N’Swakamok Native Friendship Centre Tour by Darryl Walker

Traditional Feast: Moose meat, caribou, scon, berries

east by Marsha Nawash-Solomon

Brad Robinson, Board President of N’Swakamok welcoming participants

Dr. Graham Smith thanking the community for its warm welcome

Very satisfied (and full!) conference participants!

une 20 Dr. Graham Smith, keynote speaker

Introduction by Leland Bell for Stan Peltier

Dr. Brent Debassige

Dr. Karyn Recollet

Gun Rembeck, RN, RM, PhD

Sharla Peltier

Youth panel participants Sevana Fox and Julia Wabie

Cheryle Partridge

Boras, Sweden in 2017!